Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

Symptoms of lung cancer is important to know, so we can prevent it from an early age. As we know, lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer in men and women. Lung cancer is increased with a larger number of women than in men, and now exceeds breast cancer as the most common cause of cancer deaths in women. According to the study, nearly 70% of lung cancer patients had regional lymphatic spread of the place and the other place at the time of diagnosis. 

For that, let's prevent lung cancer is to know the symptoms of lung cancer. Because lung cancer tends to spread or metastasize, it is life-threatening. Lung cancer can spread to any organ in the body, especially the adrenal glands, liver, brain, and bone. This cancer is also one of the most difficult cancers to treat. The lungs also the organ most frequently affected by tumors in other parts of the body. And what's worse is the presence of symptoms that often escaped notice and may not be felt. So this is very dangerous. Like what are the symptoms? 

Such as What are the Symptoms of Lung Cancer? 

The following are some symptoms of lung cancer as follows. Persistent cough (repeatedly) and is characterized by shortness of breath and wheezing even in the presence of bloody sputum and change color and up more and more. Presence of chest pain that does not go away as well as the shoulder and the back pain and headaches. Due to a severe cough and shortness of breath coupled with a voice so hoarse and raspy. The swelling that occurs in the neck and on the face. Presence of severe fatigue (chronic fatigue), severe and continuous. Symptoms of lung cancer also affects the emotional system so quick to anger and irritability. Another symptom is thickened fingertips and drastic weight loss. Specific symptoms and not so perceived is the process of weight loss directly and without any apparent reason.

 Those are some symptoms of lung cancer. Symptoms of lung cancer should be prevented from becoming a high stage and more difficult to cure. Some of the above symptoms are observable phenomena. As with other cancers, there are usually other symptoms not tanpak yan. This is the most dangerous. Approximately 25% of people with lung cancer when a CT scan at the hospital or diagnostic X-rays. When the disease is only found coin lesions, no symptoms of cancer which means that we can know directly. Symptoms will appear just after heading an advanced stage or have already entered a period of cancer. Read : Gejala kanker paru-paru!

Therefore, it is very important to prevent cancer early. Okay, have symptoms of lung cancer this and thank you for reading the symptoms of lung cancer. (
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